Flocking to savings: innovative solutions for poultry farm power needs (part 1)


In this three-part blog series, we delve into the energy challenges and innovative solutions within the current agricultural landscape. We'll cover a range of topics including available grants, financing options, and the benefits of solar energy solutions for the poultry industry. Join us as we explore practical ways to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability in poultry farming.

Currently, the UK offers several agricultural grants to support renewable energy initiatives.

Here are some key grants available:

Improving Farm Productivity Grant: This grant supports various technologies, including solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, robotic and automatic equipment, and advanced ventilation control units. For solar PV equipment, the grant covers up to 25% of the project costs, with a minimum grant of £15,000 and a maximum of £100,000. For other eligible technologies, grants can cover up to 40-50% of the costs, depending on the technology, with funding ranging from £25,000 to £500,000 per applicant business​ (GOV.UK)​​ (Farmers Weekly)​.

Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF): This fund offers grants of up to £100,000 to help farmers prepare nature projects that can attract private investment. The goal is to enhance environmental sustainability on farms while boosting financial resilience​ (Energy Now)​.

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF): This fund provides grants for a wide range of equipment, prioritising those that use electric or renewable energy sources. Specific details on the funding amounts and eligible items are expected to be published soon​ (Defra Farming)​.

Large R&D Partnership and Research Starter Competitions: These competitions provide significant funding to boost industrial research and development in the agricultural sector. The Large R&D Partnership offers up to £8 million, while the Research Starter Competition provides £850,000 for innovative early-stage agricultural solutions​ (Energy Now)​.

These grants are designed to promote innovation, productivity, and sustainability in UK agriculture, helping farmers to invest in new technologies and renewable energy sources to improve their operations and meet environmental goals. For more detailed information on eligibility and application processes, farmers should refer to the official UK government websites and resources.

So you didn’t qualify for a grant. We can help:

For businesses with high electricity usage, a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) can significantly reduce energy bills. With our PPA, called RenFree, we install a solar solution on your premises, and you only pay for the energy you use—at a rate lower than the market price. RenFree allows your business to operate on green solar energy with free installation, free asset management (maintenance), and guaranteed energy cost savings. As decision-makers and consumers increasingly favour brands committed to environmental sustainability, your business can gain a competitive edge without the upfront capital costs.

RenEnergy takes care of everything: we install, insure, operate, and maintain the solar solution on your premises. Your business then purchases electricity from us at a predetermined preferential rate, eliminating the need for any upfront investment or additional expenses. In addition to a hassle-free green energy procurement, RenFree includes a straightforward and cost-effective buyout and takeover clause, allowing you to terminate the agreement at predetermined rates.

If it sounds complex, don’t worry. Our consultants are here to explain everything and help determine if RenFree is right for your business. We can calculate your potential savings and demonstrate how a solar carport installation would look on your premises.


Sunny side up: 13 advantages of solar energy for the agricultural sector (part 2)


Empowering the future: why businesses should install solar and energy storage